5 Social Media Fitness Myths You Need to Know

Are you hoping that the new year will mean a new you? If you’re ready to take your training to the next level, you might look to social media for inspiration. Facebook and Instagram are packed with fitness influencers and models who offer advice, tips, and something to aspire to. However, all of the above needs a pretty hefty disclaimer. Some of these social media gurus are guilty of promoting dangerous fitness myths you mustn’t believe. Here are five to avoid at all costs.
1. They Look That Flawless in Person
Scrolling through Instagram is enough to give anyone body envy. But are those perfectly sculpted physiques and toned muscles the real deal?
Well, yes and no.
While some of what you see is based in reality, fitness models’ pictures are often altered. These images are likely taken by a professional photographer. When you add that to the miracles that good lighting and the ideal angle can work, you’ve got a recipe for success.
Needless to say, the final picture that you see on your feed isn’t always a realistic representation.
2. They Eat Whatever They Want
A balanced diet and fitness go hand-in-hand, but you shouldn’t believe everything you read on social media. Some influencers claim they eat what they want, when they want it, and somehow manage to look flawless.
This is perhaps one of the worst fitness myths and can be extremely misleading.
The notion that you can eat poorly and over-indulge in unhealthy foods is a dangerous one. Eating well and making sure that your nutrition game is on point are an absolute must.
3. Or They Have *Super* Strict Diets
On the other hand, there’s the myth that these social media influencers have the strictest of diets. Of course, as we’ve already covered, if you want to maintain your health, you need to eat well and plan ahead.
However, make no mistakes here, even the most dedicated of athletes have a cheat day now and then. You’re only human after all. Allowing yourself to splurge now and then will ultimately help you stay on track.
The reason is simple – when you restrict yourself too heavily, it means you’re likely to run low on willpower. So, when you do finally break, you will go over the top and indulge too much.
4. You Must Work Out 7 Days a Week
Most fitness social media influencers post online every day. Let’s face it: it’s their job to gain followers and produce regular content for them. However, don’t confuse the how often they post with how much they work out. They are two different things.
Training to the max every single day is by no means the way to reach your fitness goals. On the contrary, it’s likely to lead to a burnout, which will leave you unable to work out at all.
When scheduling your programming, make sure that you leave time for your body to properly rest and recover.
5. You Can Transform Your Body in 30 Days
You’ve seen the all-too-familiar posts before. Usually, these images have a before and after picture complete with a hashtag like #30DayTransformation. The difference between the person in each image will be jaw-droppingly dramatic.
If you’re hoping for a quick fix to your fitness problems, you may be tempted to believe these claims. After all, who wouldn’t want to drop a couple of dress sizes and tone up in just a month?
It’s time for a much-needed reality check.
Getting and staying fit is an ongoing journey. It doesn’t happen overnight – you need to work at it each and every day.