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5 Health Goals to Set for the New Year

women setting health goals

Now that we’re in November, you may be casting your mind forward to the end of 2018. This new year, why not resolve to be the healthiest version of yourself? Choosing to set attainable wellness goals is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Here are just five that you might want to consider.

5 Health Goals for 2019

1. Eat More Real Food (and Less of the Processed Stuff)

Eating well is the base of your health. However, when you’re busy, making sure that you eat real food can be quite difficult. As the new year looms, it might be time to change your ways. Skipping processed food in favor of meals that give you all the nutrition you need will seriously boost your wellness.

Here’s the real kicker. If you regularly eat processed foods, you’re more likely to find it hard to quit. One study from the University of Michigan found that guilty pleasures, such as fries, chocolate, and pizza, are among the most addictive food. Conversely, unprocessed foods such as brown rice and salmon are not linked to addictive eating patterns.

2. Work on Your Weaknesses More

While you’re in the midst of a training routine that works, you may not want to make any dramatic changes. But perhaps you should. Focussing only on your strengths (rather than any weaknesses you may have) is a mistake. It will get you nowhere fast. The truth is that you must address what’s holding you back sooner, rather than later.

One of the most effective ways in which you can tackle this problem is to start keeping a gym journal. Tracking your progress means that you can pinpoint the aspects of training that challenge you the most. When you know what your weaknesses are, it’s time to create a plan to help overcome them and turn them into strengths over time.

3. Make More Time for Sleep

How much sleep do you tend to get each night? If you’re not in a stable routine, you might find that your sleep patterns are erratic and, as a direct result, you’re failing to get the rest your body needs. Research shows that the "sweet spot" for a good, healthy night’s sleep lies between six and eight hours. Any more or less than that could have a harmful impact on your health and wellness. Get into a routine and get some rest.

4. Spend Less Time on Social Media

Whether you’re mindlessly scrolling through Instagram or commenting on statuses on Facebook, social media is an integral part of modern day life. But is it taking over yours? If you find yourself wasting hours on sites and apps each day, it’s certain to affect both your physical and mental health. It could be time to literally switch off from social media.

Logging onto social media sites regularly could be linked to deeper seated problems. Research from the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences found that this habit could be tied to a higher risk of having body image or eating concerns. Try limiting the amount of time you dedicate to these platforms on a daily basis.

5. Drink Less Alcohol

Are you guilty of having one too many margaritas? While the odd alcoholic drink is nothing to worry about, excessive consumption is a worrying habit to adopt. Alcohol abuse can lead to some terrifying long-term side effects including a loss of memory, slurred speech, visual impairment, and extreme mood swings, among other problems.

What’s more, if you cut back when the new year comes, you won’t be alone. The latest research from La Trobe University suggests that Australia’s relationship with alcohol is changing for the better. The results found that around 30% of people in the country have recently reduced their alcohol intake while 6% of people kicked the habit altogether.

Start making resolutions today!

Ready to make next year your healthiest yet? Before you know it, 2019 will be upon us, which means that there’s never been a better time to start setting some serious goals. Use these as inspiration but also decide on some of your own targets as well. Good luck!

Tags: Lifestyle


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